Secret Pal 9 Participants
a ball of yarn and a remote control
adventures of the newbie knitter
a fuego lento: life on the mississippi
all my great (or not so great!) adventures
a south park republican's mental meanderings
bang, bang, history's complete
confessions of a knit obsessed teenager...
crazy crafter crafts continually
des chromosomes dans l'atmosphere, des taxis pour les galaxies..
enchanted daffodils crafty corner
extreme adventures in knitting and motherhood
from the corpses, flowers grow.
it's my world, join me, won't you?
jennifer teaches and knits- but not simultaneously
journey to guatemala...and back!
just let me finish this row.....
knitting by day, belly dancing by night... sure way to relax here!
knitting stuff and going on and on.
knitting through the looking glass
knitting without dog hair is not an option
knitwhitties: a little knitting nothing
life, knitting, and the pursuit of roller coasters
my father knits wonderful things
no such thing as too much wool
purple kitchen - Nikki's Kitchen Musings
rantings and ravings of a beader and virgin knitter
saga i farver / saga in colours
spucknapf - was raus muss, muss raus
stricken bis die nadeln gluhen
studio t - celebrating the spirit within creatively
suzanne's knitting and spinning blog
the adventures of sanfaerieanne
the crafty girl is a happy girl
the everyday adventures of sabrina
the knittin' kitten (and crochetin' kitten too)
the masking tape that holds my life together
the mogs blog, a journey of a cat through yarn
too many crafts, not enough time.
welcome to knit and coffee: home of the bad kitty!
what's life without a martini?